JANUARY 26, 2024

New Patterson Visitor Center Offers a Unique, Engaging Experience

New Patterson Visitor Center Offers a Unique, Engaging Experience

January 1, 2024, marked the official opening of the Patterson Visitor Center, located at the Watchtower Educational Center in Patterson, New York, U.S.A. The feature museum of the visitors’ center is entitled “First-Century Bible Village.” Brother Isaiah Miller, who works in the Museum Department at Bethel, said: “The Bible Village was designed to provide everyone with a realistic and educational experience. Studies show that interactive learning has a powerful effect on people of all ages.” After her tour, one visitor exclaimed: “This museum made me feel like I had been transported back to the land of ancient Israel. It was beautiful!”

The feature museum realistically portrays the animals, food, plants, and daily habits of those living in a first-century Israelite village. For example, the olive trees in the museum were fabricated using handcrafted molds of olive trees in Israel. Visitors can grind grain using a full-scale millstone and step aboard a fishing boat similar to the ones Jesus and his disciples used. One brother excitedly remarked: “I felt like I had stepped into the Bible account where Jesus said to the sea: ‘Hush! Be quiet!’” (Mark 4:39) As visitors tour a replica of an ancient synagogue, they can visualize themselves sitting and listening attentively to God’s Word being read aloud.

Scenes from the Bible Village (clockwise from top left): a first-century fishing boat, a functioning millstone, a synagogue, and a marketplace

Rebecca and Marcos learning how to build a wooden stool in the Bible Village

Another unique aspect of the museum is the opportunity to learn about first-century life by conversing with “Israelite villagers,” who are portrayed by brothers and sisters. Visitors can participate in various trades and tasks that were common in Jesus’ day. Ten-year-old Marcos said, “My favorite part was when I helped the Israelite carpenter build a stool!” “That was my favorite part too,” said eight-year-old Rebecca. “I also loved grinding the wheat to make flour.”

Along with the feature museum, there are three other sections in the visitors’ center. “First-Century Bible Coins” is an exhibit that features original first-century coins, including a rare tetradrachma. “All Your Sons Will Be Taught by Jehovah” is a museum that familiarizes visitors with a number of theocratic schools and underscores the benefits of divine education. “Defending and Legally Establishing the Good News” recounts faithful examples of brothers and sisters in several lands who faced persecution and shows how Jehovah’s organization loyally supported them.

Left to right: “First-Century Bible Coins” exhibit, “All Your Sons Will Be Taught by Jehovah” museum, and “Defending and Legally Establishing the Good News” museum

The worldwide brotherhood is invited to come and tour the Patterson Visitor Center and experience for themselves this rich spiritual gift that awaits them. It is yet another way that Jehovah expresses how much he loves and values his people.—James 1:17.