NOVEMBER 14, 2019

Special Campaign for Arabic-Speaking People in Austria and Germany

Special Campaign for Arabic-Speaking People in Austria and Germany

From August 31 to October 26, 2019, brothers and sisters from 19 countries participated in an Arabic Bible education initiative in Austria and Germany. During the course of the special campaign, the 1,782 participants spent a total of 40,724 hours in the education work, showed our videos 4,483 times, and placed 24,769 pieces of Bible literature.

Over the past few years, more than one million refugees have entered Austria and Germany, the majority from Arabic-speaking countries. Many of these refugees have never heard the Bible’s comforting message. Visiting brothers and sisters from Canada, the United States, and various countries in Europe supported the 1,108 publishers in Austria and Germany who serve in the Arabic field. Together they visited 24 regions, including major cities like Berlin, Cologne, Dresden, Frankfurt, Graz, Hamburg, and Vienna.

One local brother wrote: “The campaign had such a positive impact on us, one we would never have imagined. The visiting brothers have invigorated us, and we are so grateful for their help. We very much appreciated the privilege to participate in this special campaign.”

After attending a meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses, a young man from an Arabic-speaking country approached a brother and asked with excitement: “Do you know what mahabba means in German?”

The brother responded, “Liebe (love)!”

“Yes,” said the young man, “that’s what I saw here in action today! You were so kind to me. Everyone greeted me and shook my hand. I saw people from different countries who treated each other with respect. If everyone would act this way, the whole world would be different, that’s for sure!”

Another man stated about Jehovah’s Witnesses: “You have become skilled in your interactions with people, and you have built one of the best communities in the world.”

A couple from an Arabic-speaking country who have lived in Germany for about a year invited brothers to their home for tea. After the brothers explained the purpose of their visit, the wife asked, “Are you Jehovah’s Witnesses?” When the brothers confirmed this, the wife replied: “Unbelievable! I’ve been looking for you for months. I even went to the main train station to look for you. And here you are. You came to me! It is God who sent you.”

Jehovah greatly blessed the zeal of the brothers and sisters who took part in this special campaign to share the Bible’s message of hope with “people of all the nations.”—Matthew 28:19.