NOVEMBER 11, 2022

Headquarters Project Ramapo

Town Board Adopts Zoning Amendment, Paving the Way for Site Plan Approval

Town Board Adopts Zoning Amendment, Paving the Way for Site Plan Approval

On November 9, 2022, the Town Board of Ramapo approved new zoning for a mixed-use campus, which will allow the Construction Project Committee (CPC) for the Ramapo project to apply for a special permit and site plan approval. a

Aerial view of new road realignment

In addition to this latest development, contractors expanded and realigned the entrance to the Ramapo property. Construction volunteers also finished the restoration of an old stone bridge along the driveway near the entrance of the construction site. The restoration work involved widening and bolstering the bridge to accommodate equipment and emergency response vehicles. During the initial phase of construction, all traffic will be routed across this bridge.

The restored stone bridge

Brother Matthew Mordecki, who serves on the CPC, states: “This latest development—the zoning amendment—allows us to simultaneously apply for a special permit and site plan approval. The permit would let us begin site clearing as early as December 2022.”

We pray that Jehovah continues to “grant success” to the brothers and sisters working directly on this construction project.—Nehemiah 1:11.

a Prior to this zoning adjustment, the property was designated as a “Specialized Housing Residential District.”