JULY 11, 2019

Athens, Greece—2019 “Love Never Fails”! International Convention

Athens, Greece—2019 “Love Never Fails”! International Convention
  • Dates: July 5-7, 2019

  • Location: Athens Olympic Stadium in Athens, Greece

  • Program Languages: Albanian, English, Greek, Greek Sign Language, Romany (southern Greece), Russian

  • Peak Attendance: 36,873

  • Total Number Baptized: 406

  • Number of International Delegates: 6,000

  • Invited Branches: Albania, Armenia, Australasia, Bulgaria, Central America, Central Europe, Fiji, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia, Turkey, United States

  • Local Experience: A travel agent stated: “I’ve worked my whole life as a travel agent, and I have never seen anywhere in the world such a good way to organize and manage travelers. I watched you yesterday, and I could not believe it! You organized 2,600 people within a few hours in a manner that is better than many professionals. But the most wonderful part is your smile. Believe me, I’ve worked for years in this field, and I can discern when someone smiles ‘professionally’ from when they smile from their heart. And you all smile from your heart.”


Some of the over 4,000 volunteers preparing the stadium before the convention

Young people welcoming the delegates to Greece

One of the 406 new brothers and sisters getting baptized

Sisters in the Romany section posing for a picture at the convention venue. This was the first international convention in Greece featuring the Romany language

Delegates participating in the ministry with local brothers and sisters

Delegates touring ancient Greek ruins

A Bible drama performed during the evening gathering illustrating the Apostle Paul’s ministry in Greece

Performers demonstrating the popular Syrtaki dance for the delegates

A sister playing the bouzouki, a traditional Greek stringed instrument

Delegates learning Greek vocabulary words

Brother David Splane, a member of the Governing Body, concluding the third day of the convention with a Bible-based discourse translated into Greek

Special full-time servants waving goodbye to the audience on the final day of the convention