DECEMBER 23, 2019

Police and Fire Department Officials in Guatemala Benefit From Bible-Based Workshops

Police and Fire Department Officials in Guatemala Benefit From Bible-Based Workshops

In May 2019, authorities in Guatemala gave approval for our brothers to conduct workshops based on Bible principles with fire and police station personnel. Currently, 450 firefighters and police officers have attended the workshops, which are conducted in the cities of Coatepeque, Colomba Costa Cuca, Malacatán, and San Rafael Petzal.

Juan Carlos Rodas, an elder involved in the workshops, explains: “For over 15 years, Jehovah’s Witnesses have held Bible classes with prisoners in three different facilities in Guatemala. Prison authorities observed that the inmates who studied the Bible with us made positive changes in their personality. This motivated them to recommend that we offer similar Bible-based presentations to police officers and fire station personnel.”

Under the direction of the Central America branch, these workshops are held twice a week and last approximately 15 minutes. They address subjects such as how to improve relationships with others, how to properly use authority, and how to work as a team. The brothers conducting the presentations offer relevant literature, show videos from our website, and demonstrate how to look up helpful information using the JW Library app.

Jehovah’s Witnesses consider it a privilege to make these workshops available to police and fire department officials. We hope that they continue to benefit from the practical wisdom found in the Bible.—2 Timothy 3:16.