NOVEMBER 1, 2023

Witnesses in India Comfort and Support One Another Following Explosions at Convention

Witnesses in India Comfort and Support One Another Following Explosions at Convention

As previously reported in a breaking news item on, multiple explosions occurred at a regional convention held in Kerala, India, on Sunday, October 29, 2023. Sadly, in addition to the two sisters who were initially killed, a 12-year-old girl has also died as a result of the injuries she suffered. Another 55 brothers and sisters were injured, including some with severe burns.

Currently, three sisters and two brothers remain hospitalized in critical condition. The authorities have confirmed that at least three bombs were detonated during the opening prayer at approximately 9:40 a.m. The suspected perpetrator of this horrific act is now in police custody, and an investigation is ongoing.

We are very grateful to the emergency personnel who promptly arrived on the scene to render aid and to the hospital staff who are caring for the injured.

Those in attendance were also deeply moved and encouraged by the love and support shown by fellow believers. A sister who was in the auditorium when the bombs exploded recalls: “I immediately began praying to Jehovah. The attendants, along with other brothers, took such good care of us and acted quickly to ensure our safety. It was a reflection of Jehovah’s love and concern for each of us.”

Representatives of the India branch office, circuit overseers, and local elders continue to provide spiritual and practical assistance for those affected. An elder from the branch office who traveled to Kerala to comfort the brothers and sisters affected by the attack observes: “While there is much shock, pain, and trauma, I am encouraged by the positive spirit of the brothers who have been hurt. I spoke to many of them. Seeing firsthand how they are relying on Jehovah strengthens my own faith.”

As a worldwide brotherhood, we pray for the victims’ families and all those affected by this terrible tragedy in India. We find solace and peace in the Bible’s promise of a future without violence, suffering, and death. We remain determined to keep putting our complete confidence and trust in Jehovah.—Psalm 56:3.