FEBRUARY 3, 2021

Extensive Flooding in Indonesia

Extensive Flooding in Indonesia


South Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, and North Moluccas


  • In mid-January 2021, severe flooding and landslides caused widespread damage and displacement

Effect on our brothers and sisters

  • About 90 publishers had to evacuate temporarily

Property damage

  • 3 homes sustained minor damage

Relief efforts

  • Congregation elders responded quickly to assist the publishers with the evacuation. The elders also arranged for temporary shelter, food, and other necessities

  • The local congregation publishers are helping to clean and repair the damaged homes

  • Circuit overseers are providing spiritual support and comfort to the affected publishers

  • All relief efforts are in harmony with COVID-19 safety guidelines

We are grateful to Jehovah for providing our loving brotherhood to help in “times of distress.”—Proverbs 17:17.