MARCH 28, 2019

Flash Flooding in Indonesia

Flash Flooding in Indonesia

Torrential rains pounded the eastern province of Papua, Indonesia, on March 16, 2019. The rains triggered a flash flood that killed more than 100 people and washed away several homes.

The Indonesia branch reports that many of our brothers living in the town of Sentani, located in the province of Papua, have been impacted by this disaster. Sadly, one of our brothers died when his home was swept away in the flood. Three other homes of Witness families were severely damaged. More than 40 publishers have been evacuated, and most are now staying with local Witnesses. A Disaster Relief Committee has been formed to organize the relief work. Branch representatives, along with the circuit overseer in the area, have visited the affected regions to provide spiritual comfort. They are also evaluating the extent of relief aid needed.

Our prayers are with all the brothers who have been affected by this disaster. We long for the day in the near future when Jehovah will “swallow up death forever” and “wipe away the tears from all faces.”—Isaiah 25:8.