JANUARY 14, 2020

Major Flooding Submerges Jakarta

Major Flooding Submerges Jakarta

An estimated 100 homes of our brothers were flooded—some with 1.5 meters (5 ft) of water—when nearly 38 centimeters (15 in) of rain fell on Jakarta, Indonesia, on December 31, 2019.

Although none of our brothers were killed or injured in the floods, many publishers had to evacuate their homes temporarily, while others were forced to shelter in place. Also, some buildings used as meeting places sustained minor flood damage. Local elders have organized assistance and supplied such necessities as food and water. In addition, circuit overseers have visited those affected by the disaster to provide comfort from the Scriptures. Two Disaster Relief Committees have been formed and are assessing the needs for further relief.

The flooding has not stopped our brothers’ spiritual routine, even though some affected families had to travel through flooded areas to attend the midweek meeting. Brother Daniel Purnomo, a member of the Indonesia Branch Committee, stated: “Although this is the worst flood Jakarta has experienced in recent years, it has not shaken our brothers, but rather, moved them to help each other and practice Christian love.”

How we look forward to the time when the earth’s natural forces will no longer cause harm.—Mark 4:39.