OCTOBER 23, 2023

Armed Conflict Continues in Israel and the Gaza Strip

Armed Conflict Continues in Israel and the Gaza Strip

Since October 7, 2023, there has been intense violence and heavy conflict in Israel and the Gaza Strip. Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to evacuate. Reports indicate that an estimated 4,200 people have already died.

Effect on Our Brothers and Sisters

  • None of our brothers or sisters have been killed or injured

  • 93 publishers have been displaced

  • 3 homes sustained minor damage

  • No Kingdom Halls were damaged

Relief Efforts

  • Circuit overseers and local elders are providing spiritual and practical assistance to those affected by the conflict

  • A Disaster Relief Committee has been appointed to oversee relief efforts

A brother and his wife, along with two other sisters, shelter in a safe location while gaining comfort and strength from God’s Word

Our brothers in the affected areas are striving to maintain their spiritual routine by continuing to meet together via videoconference. One circuit overseer notes: “While the uncertainty of the situation from day to day is challenging, it is encouraging to witness the outstanding faith and unselfish love of our dear brothers and sisters for one another.”

We look forward to the fulfillment of the Bible’s promise that soon there will be “an end to wars throughout the earth.”—Psalm 46:9.