MAY 31, 2019

Public Witnessing Increases in Israel as Thousands of Tourists Stream to Tel Aviv

Public Witnessing Increases in Israel as Thousands of Tourists Stream to Tel Aviv

From May 10 to 19, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Israel made a concerted effort to participate in public witnessing in Tel Aviv. The initiative was in response to the increased number of tourists who came to attend various cultural events in the city. For example, from May 14 to 18, Tel Aviv hosted the Eurovision Song Contest, a music competition, which drew about ten thousand tourists.

Brother Gennadi Korobov, who assisted in coordinating the initiative, comments: “When we learned that there would be thousands of visitors to Tel Aviv for the music event, we saw this as a wonderful opportunity to increase our public witnessing activity. We were thrilled to have a total of 168 publishers from 22 congregations throughout Israel volunteer.”

The brothers set up literature display carts at eight locations from 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. each day. To accommodate the many international tourists, the carts featured literature in ten languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.

We are confident that there will be good results from this increased activity in Israel. This effort is further evidence that Jehovah’s people praise him “at all times.”—Psalm 34:1, 2.