AUGUST 4, 2023

Extreme Weather Strikes Northern Italy and Island of Sicily

Extreme Weather Strikes Northern Italy and Island of Sicily

Between July 22 and 26, 2023, two separate weather events struck Italy. In northern Italy, intense storms brought winds of over 120 kilometers per hour (75 mph) as well as damaging hailstones some 19 centimeters (7 in.) in diameter. Simultaneously, over 330 wildfires ravaged large parts of the island of Sicily. Record temperatures of 47 degrees Celsius (117°F) in the region caused the fires to spread rapidly. As a result, many buildings were destroyed and hundreds of people were left without electricity. Several thousand people have been evacuated. Five people have been killed.

Effect on Our Brothers and Sisters

Hailstones and Wind in Northern Italy

  • None of our brothers or sisters were killed

  • 2 brothers were injured

  • 36 homes sustained major damage

  • 242 homes sustained minor damage

  • 1 Kingdom Hall sustained major damage

  • 12 Kingdom Halls sustained minor damage

Wildfires on the Island of Sicily

  • Sadly, a married couple lost their lives when fire engulfed their home

  • 48 brothers and sisters evacuated their homes

  • No Kingdom Halls or theocratic facilities were damaged

Relief Efforts

  • Circuit overseers and local elders are providing spiritual and practical assistance to those affected by the wildfires in Sicily and hailstorms in northern Italy

  • 1 Disaster Relief Committee was appointed to coordinate relief efforts in Sicily

We are saddened by the loss of our brother and sister in Sicily and pray for all those affected by these disasters. We look ahead to the day when Jehovah will soon do away with every kind of suffering.—Revelation 21:4.