AUGUST 11, 2021

Book of Matthew Released in Malawi Sign Language

Book of Matthew Released in Malawi Sign Language

On August 8, 2021, Brother Mark Hutchinson, a member of the Malawi Branch Committee, released The Bible—The Gospel According to Matthew in Malawi Sign Language. This is the first Bible book ever to be released in Malawi Sign Language.

The Bible book was released during a program that was prerecorded and streamed throughout the branch territory. The program was also broadcast on a local TV channel and on a radio station.

The first sign-language congregation was formed in Lilongwe in 2005. In 2009, literature began to be translated into Malawi Sign Language. Since that time, a total of 34 publications have been translated into the language. Now there are five translation teams, with a total of 21 members.

One of the deaf translators who worked on the project commented: “We benefited from scriptures that were signed in our publications. Now we have a chance to also benefit from Bible verses in context during our personal study and in the ministry.”

An example of the translation’s clarity is the way that Matthew 22:44 is signed. A translator explains: “In other Bible translations this verse says ‘the Lord said to my Lord.’ This caused some to believe that Jehovah and Jesus are one person. In this translation, it is clear that Jehovah is the one who was speaking to the Lord Jesus.”

We pray that this gift to our brothers and sisters in Malawi will strengthen their relationship with the giver of “every perfect present,” Jehovah.—James 1:17.