MAY 29, 2020

Congregation Meetings in Malawi Reach Millions Through TV and Radio Broadcasting

Congregation Meetings in Malawi Reach Millions Through TV and Radio Broadcasting

The Malawi Branch Committee has arranged to broadcast the congregation meeting programs on local television and radio stations. These broadcasts are reaching people beyond our brothers and sisters. There are over 100,000 of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Malawi, but broadcasters estimate that each weekend two million people tune in to the television broadcast and eight million people listen to the radio broadcast.

As is the case in many other countries, our brothers in Malawi are not currently meeting in Kingdom Halls to comply with physical distancing protocols. Congregation publishers almost always have access to either a television or a radio. Thus, the broadcast allows those who cannot afford Internet access or who are unable to meet using a videoconferencing app to benefit from the congregation meeting schedule.

The meeting broadcasts are presented in Chichewa, the main language of the country. The entire TV program is simultaneously translated into Malawi Sign Language. In addition to a public discourse, the public meeting features our videos or dramatic Bible readings. At the conclusion of the program, viewers and listeners are encouraged to visit to receive more information in additional languages.

The broadcasts have removed some misconceptions about Jehovah’s Witnesses. One man wrote: “I have listened to your sermons on the radio these past few weeks. They furnish satisfying answers to the lies people have been spreading about you. Your sermons are very different from those of other religions—they reach our hearts!” The man and his family have begun to study the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Augustine Semo, who coordinates the work of the Public Information Desk in Malawi, explains: “These broadcasts have been a great tool to help our brothers maintain their regular spiritual routine. They have also introduced many non-Witnesses to our Bible-based teaching. When conditions in Malawi normalize, we hope to see many new ones join us at the Kingdom Hall.”

We are happy to know that both our fellow Witnesses and others in Malawi are being fed spiritually during these difficult times. It strengthens our appreciation for the ‘faithful slave,’ who ensures that all can receive spiritual food.—Matthew 24:45.