AUGUST 31, 2022

Central America Reaches Milestone of 25 Remote Translation Offices

Central America Reaches Milestone of 25 Remote Translation Offices

Between January and July 2022, five new remote translation offices (RTO) began operating in Mexico. This brings the total number of RTOs in the Central America branch territory to 25. The new RTOs will allow the Tarascan, Tzotzil, Zapotec (Isthmus), Otomi (Mezquital Valley), and Chol language translation teams to live where many people speak these languages. In the coming months, 8 additional RTOs will open in the Central America branch territory, and 34 more RTO projects are in the planning stages.

There is great benefit in having translators live and work in an area where the language is commonly spoken. Sister Marcela Hernández, a Tzotzil translator who previously worked for several years at the branch office, says: “While at the branch, I noticed that my phrases were becoming too complicated. But now, hearing the brothers in the congregation speak and preach has allowed my translation to become more natural.”

These modest RTO facilities impress the local communities with their clean and attractive appearance. It is not uncommon for people to stop and admire the buildings, even taking pictures. One woman who owns a small store across the street from an RTO was so impressed after learning about the work performed there that she began to sweep her sidewalk regularly and to clean her store. She explained, “I am across the street from a building dedicated to God.”

Jehovah’s blessing of the hard work done on these RTO projects is clearly evident. We thank him for the continued success of our translation efforts.—Psalm 127:1.