OCTOBER 23, 2018

Heavy Rains Cause Severe Flooding in Nigeria

Heavy Rains Cause Severe Flooding in Nigeria

Heavy seasonal rains have triggered severe flooding in Nigeria primarily in the central and southern regions of the country. Water levels in the Benue and Niger rivers, the two major waterways in the country, have overflowed their banks, displacing thousands of people and leaving over 100 dead.

Initial reports indicate that none of our brothers have been killed or injured. However, the flooding has displaced at least 2,000 publishers, and over 1,000 of these are in need of relief aid. The majority of those who fled their homes have found shelter in homes of fellow Witnesses located in safe areas.

A Disaster Relief Committee has been established to coordinate relief aid and to provide spiritual encouragement. Two members of the Nigeria Branch Committee, along with the circuit overseer and brothers working in the Service Department and Local Design/Construction Department, have visited the publishers in the affected areas to provide support.

Despite the challenges brought on by this disaster, our heavenly Father, Jehovah, continues to be a “fortress in the time of distress.”—Psalm 37:39.