NOVEMBER 18, 2019

‘Stepping Over Into Macedonia’ for a Special Preaching Campaign

‘Stepping Over Into Macedonia’ for a Special Preaching Campaign

The North Macedonia branch initiated a special preaching campaign from August 1 to October 31, 2019, to share the Bible’s message with people who speak the Macedonian or Albanian languages in their branch territory.

North Macedonia has more than 1.3 million people who speak Macedonian and over half a million people who speak Albanian. However, of the 1,300 publishers in the country, there are about 1,000 publishers in the Macedonian-language field and only 20 publishers who assist the Albanian-language field. To support the local publishers, the campaign drew 476 volunteers from seven countries—Albania, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland—to North Macedonia to participate in the preaching efforts.

During the campaign, one of our brothers met a goatherd on the road. When the goatherd realized that he was speaking with one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, he reached into his bag and revealed a copy of the Bible Teach book. He explained that he had received the book when Witnesses from Italy visited him during a special preaching campaign ten years prior. He went on to say that he reads the Bible Teach book every day and has even memorized some of the chapters. The brothers arranged for a return visit.

The outpouring of support from the Macedonian and Albanian-speaking brothers and sisters reminds us of Paul’s willingness to accept his assignment to “step over into Macedonia.”—Acts 16:9.