OCTOBER 9, 2018

Thailand Embassy Expresses “Sincere Appreciation and Admiration” to Jehovah’s Witnesses in Peru for Helping Detained Thai Citizens

Thailand Embassy Expresses “Sincere Appreciation and Admiration” to Jehovah’s Witnesses in Peru for Helping Detained Thai Citizens

Representatives from the Thailand Embassy in Peru visited the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses located in Lima, the capital city, on June 26, 2018. Their purpose was to thank our brothers for the assistance given to Thai citizens in a Peruvian prison.

Jehovah’s Witnesses in Peru have been visiting prisons in their Bible education work since 2007. But beginning in 2013, the brothers have been visiting a prison that includes Thai inmates. Impressed by the displays of personal interest, the Thai consul contacted the branch office to arrange a visit.

The delegation from the embassy included Mr. Angkura Kulvanij, chargé d’affaires a.i.; Mr. Pathompong Singthong, first secretary/consul; and Ms. Pradthana Pongudom, consular assistant. As they toured the branch, accompanied by members of the Branch Committee, they were familiarized with the branch’s extensive translation efforts, which include translating our publications into nine indigenous languages.

An official letter from the embassy to the branch office expressed “sincere appreciation and admiration” for our brothers’ diligence in caring for “the disadvantaged and vulnerable persons in Peru, regardless of their faith or culture.” The embassy went on to commend the “tireless efforts and contributions of the staff of the Association of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Peru branch, to help alleviate the difficulties and improve the quality of life of the detained Thai citizens.”

The experience of our brothers in Peru demonstrates the good results that come from continuing to share the Bible’s message to people of all sorts.—1 Corinthians 9:22.