JANUARY 2, 2020

Typhoon Phanfone Strikes the Philippines

Typhoon Phanfone Strikes the Philippines

Typhoon Phanfone, also known in the Philippines as Ursula, made landfall on December 24, 2019, in the province of Eastern Samar. None of Jehovah’s Witnesses were killed or injured. However, 464 homes of Witnesses were damaged as well as 6 Kingdom Halls. The Philippines branch has formed five Disaster Relief Committees to provide spiritual and material help to the brothers in several island groups affected by this disaster.

Typhoon Phanfone was the 21st cyclone to hit the Philippines in 2019. Additionally, earthquakes recently struck the southern part of the country. As a result, a total of 18 Disaster Relief Committees are currently in operation.

We are thankful that our brothers in the Philippines continue to endure, relying on our God, Jehovah, who is “very tender in affection and merciful.”—James 5:11.