MARCH 22, 2021

Hospital in Poland Expresses Gratitude to Jehovah’s Witnesses

Hospital in Poland Expresses Gratitude to Jehovah’s Witnesses

The staff of a hospital in Słupca, Poland, wrote a letter of appreciation to our brothers in Warsaw after they responded to a request for Bibles.

The hospital cares for many COVID-19 patients. A representative of the hospital’s administration wanted to provide resources to encourage and support the hospital workers and patients. He asked various churches to supply the hospital with copies of the Bible. His requests went unanswered.

He then remembered that his friend’s wife, Helena Krupa, is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Recalling her enthusiasm for the Bible, he contacted her and requested assistance in obtaining Bibles for the hospital.

Sister Helena Krupa, who lives in Warsaw, informed her congregation elders about the request. They prepared a package for the hospital. It contained six copies of the revised New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures and a selection of Bible-based publications. The brothers also composed a letter explaining the special features of the New World Translation, especially the inclusion of God’s name, Jehovah.

The hospital’s administrative board wrote a letter to the congregation in which they expressed their “heartfelt thanks for the tangible assistance, commitment, and sensitivity to the needs of others.” The letter also stated: “In this difficult time in which everyone lives with constant concerns—for their life, health, family, loved ones, and work—you have found the strength to think about others . . . Knowing that we were not left alone with our problems strengthened us to keep on fighting the pandemic and to deal successfully with the daily challenges we face while performing our work.”

The sentiments expressed in this letter of thanks illustrate how we are able to provide comfort and hope through the means that Jehovah has provided.—Romans 15:4.