JULY 5, 2019

Lisbon, Portugal—2019 “Love Never Fails”! International Convention

Lisbon, Portugal—2019 “Love Never Fails”! International Convention
  • Dates: June 28-30, 2019

  • Location: Sport Lisboa e Benfica Stadium in Lisbon, Portugal

  • Program Languages: English, Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese Sign Language, Spanish

  • Peak Attendance: 63,390

  • Total Number Baptized: 451

  • Number of International Delegates: 5,300

  • Invited Branches: Angola, Australasia, Brazil, Canada, Central America, Ghana, India, Mozambique, Senegal, Spain, United States, Venezuela

  • Local Experience: Mr. Santos was one of the tour bus drivers for the delegates. When the bus captain invited him to the convention, Mr. Santos stated: “I want to go. Ever since I’ve started working with you, I feel such a peace that I can’t describe. I don’t know where this peace comes from, but you give me peace. I’ll be at the stadium all day, so I want to attend.” After attending, Mr. Santos said that he really appreciated the program. He is from a village outside of Lisbon. While at the convention, he met a brother who lives in a nearby village. Mr. Santos agreed to meet with the brother when they return home.


Local brothers and sisters greeting delegates who have just arrived at the airport

Delegates arrive at the open house hosted by the Portugal branch office

Brother Geoffrey Jackson, a member of the Governing Body, giving the concluding talk on the first day of the convention

Attendees sing in Portuguese sign language

One of our new sisters getting baptized

A young local sister poses with models of Caleb and Sophia

Delegates sing the final song of the convention

Special full-time servants from various lands wave to the audience at the conclusion of the convention

Delegates join a local brother participating in public witnessing

Local brothers and sisters performing a traditional dance for the delegates

Brothers and sisters who performed during the evening gathering wave to the audience