MAY 7, 2024

Brother Anton Virich Sentenced to Six Years and Two Months in Prison

Brother Anton Virich Sentenced to Six Years and Two Months in Prison

On April 25, 2024, the Pozharskiy District Court of the Primorye Territory convicted Brother Anton Virich and sentenced him to six years and two months in prison. He has been in detention since July 11, 2023, and will remain in custody.


We are comforted to know that as we prove our love for Jehovah by enduring trials, we gain his approval and blessing.—James 1:12.

Time Line

  1. February 11, 2021

    Criminal case initiated

  2. November 9, 2021

    Without his knowledge, Anton was criminally charged and travel restrictions were issued

  3. July 11, 2023

    During a routine traffic stop, officers in the city of Uzhur notified Anton that he was considered a fugitive and arrested him. Placed in a temporary detention center

  4. July 15, 2023

    Transferred by plane to a pretrial detention center in Luchegorsk, over 4,700 kilometers (2,920 mi) away

  5. November 7, 2023

    Criminal trial began

  6. April 25, 2024

    Convicted and sentenced to six years and two months in prison