MARCH 5, 2024

Brother Oleg Danilov Released From Russian Prison

Brother Oleg Danilov Released From Russian Prison

On March 1, 2024, Brother Oleg Danilov was released from prison after serving a three-year prison sentence.

Prior to his conviction, Oleg commented on what he was resolved to do if he was sent to prison: “I have meditated on Paul’s words at Philippians 4:4: ‘Always rejoice in the Lord. Again I will say, Rejoice!’ Paul wrote that while he was in prison. His relationship with Jehovah and his trust in him were so strong that prison bonds could not dampen his joy. I want to do the same and not allow anything to take my joy away from me.”

This resolve was put to the test when Oleg was imprisoned and separated from his family. Not being able to attend his oldest son’s wedding was especially difficult. Oleg’s wife, Sister Nataliya Danilova, explained what helped him: “Oleg realized that if he continued to think about what he had lost, it would weaken his determination and rob him of his joy. Instead, he continually reminded himself of what he had: his relationship with Jehovah, the help of His holy spirit, a family that loved him, close friends, and a worldwide brotherhood. By changing his focus, he felt like a very rich man.”

Oleg and Nataliya with their two sons and daughter-in-law

Nataliya also commented on how Oleg’s example has affected their sons: “Seeing what their father has gone through and how Jehovah has supported us as a family has really deepened their trust in Jehovah and their love for the brotherhood. They are more determined than ever to keep their worship of Jehovah a priority in their lives.”

We rejoice with Oleg and his family as they are reunited. And we are grateful to be reminded that even if we suffer for our faith, we can remain happy, confident that Jehovah’s spirit is resting upon us.—1 Peter 4:14.