NOVEMBER 29, 2023

Five Brothers Convicted by Russian Court in Saratov Region

Five Brothers Convicted by Russian Court in Saratov Region

On November 23, 2023, the Balakovskiy District Court of the Saratov Region announced its verdict in the case involving Brothers Aleksey Bogatov, Yevgeniy Fomashin, Vladimir Mavrin, Andrey Murych, and Sergey Tyurin. All five brothers were convicted. Aleksey and Vladimir each received a suspended prison sentence of six years. Andrey, Sergey, and Yevgeniy were each fined 300,000 rubles ($3,362 U.S.). None of the brothers are required to go to prison at this time.


The examples of these five faithful brothers are a reminder that we can endure adversity for the good news when we rely on the power of God.—2 Timothy 1:8.

Time Line

  1. February 11, 2022

    Criminal case initiated

  2. March 23, 2022

    FSB officers searched the homes of all five brothers. Each was interrogated and sent to a temporary detention center

  3. March 25, 2022

    Brothers placed in a pretrial detention center

  4. January 23, 2023

    Brothers released from custody and placed under travel restrictions

  5. July 21, 2023

    Criminal trial began

  6. November 23, 2023
