FEBRUARY 1, 2023

“It Is Not My Circumstances That Need to Change”

“It Is Not My Circumstances That Need to Change”

The Kovrovskiy City Court of the Vladimir Region will soon announce its verdict in the case involving Brother Boris Simonenko. The prosecutor has yet to request a potential sentence.


We are confident that Boris and his family will continue to receive strength and joy as they remain close to Jehovah.—1 Chronicles 16:27.

Time Line

  1. February 8, 2021

    Authorities used recorded conversations obtained by wiretapping to initiate an official investigation

  2. February 17, 2021

    Home was searched. Interrogated and placed in temporary detention

  3. February 18, 2021

    Criminal case initiated. Charged with conducting meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses over the Internet. Placed in pretrial detention

  4. July 13, 2021

    Released from pretrial detention and placed under house arrest

  5. February 17, 2022

    Released from house arrest and given travel restrictions

  6. September 15, 2022

    Criminal trial began