DECEMBER 6, 2023

“No Trial Can Break True Faith”

“No Trial Can Break True Faith”

The Kaltanskiy District Court of the Kemerovo Region will soon announce its verdict in the case involving Brother Aleksandr Tsikunov. The prosecutor has yet to request a potential sentence.


How grateful we are for the many examples of loyalty that remind us that no one who rests his faith on Jehovah and his Son, Jesus Christ, will be disappointed.—Romans 10:11.

Time Line

  1. April 27, 2021

    Criminal case initiated

  2. May 2, 2021

    Home searched. Detained and sent to pretrial detention

  3. May 4, 2021

    Released from pretrial detention and placed under house arrest

  4. June 24, 2021

    Released from house arrest and placed under travel restrictions

  5. July 25, 2023

    Criminal trial began