APRIL 28, 2023

“Nothing Can Deprive Me of My Joy”

“Nothing Can Deprive Me of My Joy”

The Kovrovskiy City Court of the Vladimir Region will soon announce its verdict in the case involving Brother Roman Adestov. The prosecutor has yet to request a potential sentence.


We are confident that Jehovah, the “eternal Rock,” will continue to ‘safeguard those who fully lean on him’ and that he will ‘give them continuous peace.’—Isaiah 26:3, 4.

Time Line

  1. June 28, 2021

    Criminal case initiated

  2. July 8, 2021

    Home searched. Arrested

  3. July 9, 2021

    Placed in pretrial detention

  4. November 25, 2021

    Released from pretrial detention and placed under house arrest

  5. June 21, 2022

    Released from house arrest and placed under travel restrictions

  6. September 26, 2022

    Criminal trial began