JUNE 20, 2024

Rinat Kiramov Endures Four Days of Torture in Russian Prison

Rinat Kiramov Endures Four Days of Torture in Russian Prison

Brother Rinat Kiramov was convicted in April 2023 and is currently serving a seven-year prison sentence in a penal colony. A year after his conviction, on April 18, 2024, prison authorities unexpectedly transferred Rinat from the penal colony to a nearby medical correctional facility. The authorities claimed that they “suspected” Rinat may have tuberculosis. Two days after he arrived, a group of prisoners began to interrogate Rinat. The prisoners demanded that he provide information about Jehovah’s Witnesses from his home city of Akhtubinsk. When Rinat refused, they began to torture him. Over the next four days, they subjected him to various forms of physical abuse, even using a stun gun. Additionally, the men did not allow Rinat to sleep, sit, or bathe, making sure that he stayed awake and on his feet all day and night. Rinat was also only allowed to eat one meal per day.

Several days after the torture began, Rinat’s wife, Galina, visited him at the facility. She was shocked to see that his face was badly bruised, he had difficulty walking, and his hands were shaking. After Rinat explained what had happened, Galina alerted Rinat’s lawyer, who immediately requested that Rinat undergo a medical examination for his injuries and that an investigation be launched.

Once the prosecutor’s office was informed, they met with Rinat and arranged for a medical examination. After finding sufficient evidence of torture, the case was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for review. Additionally, it was determined that Rinat did not have tuberculosis, and he was transferred from the medical facility back to the penal colony on May 17, 2024, where he remains.

Rinat and Galina prior to his imprisonment

Rinat told Galina what helped him to endure: “All I could do was pray and try to think of verses from the Bible. This was something no one could take away from me. I am so happy I studied the Bible diligently before this happened, so that I could call to mind many scriptures.” Rinat added: “There are people who have endured cruel treatment for their devotion to a cause but without Jehovah’s holy spirit to help them. I, on the other hand, had Jehovah’s limitless power to strengthen me. I thought to myself: ‘Now, more than at any other moment in my life, I can prove my devotion to Jehovah. I will not fail.’”

While we are disturbed to hear of the inhumane treatment Rinat suffered, it is comforting to know that Jehovah will always provide us with “the power beyond what is normal” to endure.—2 Corinthians 4:7.