JUNE 13, 2024

Sister Olga Ivanova Released From Russian Prison

Sister Olga Ivanova Released From Russian Prison

On June 11, 2024, Sister Olga Ivanova was released from a Russian penal colony in the city of Zelenokumsk. She was convicted and sentenced to three years and six months in prison on October 25, 2021. Considering that she spent over one year and four months under house arrest prior to her imprisonment, her sentence is now completed. Her husband, Yevgeniy, was convicted during the same criminal trial and is currently serving an eight-year prison sentence.

Olga being welcomed by friends and family after her release

During her time in prison, Olga was often required to perform hard physical labor 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. She was also transferred several times to different prisons throughout Russia. This made it challenging for Olga’s widowed mother, Svetlana, to visit and support Olga. Svetlana commented on how they felt Jehovah’s assistance: “Each time Olga was transferred to a new city, the local brothers and sisters tenderly cared for her needs. They would stand in line for hours to deliver her packages with food and supplies, and they made an effort to visit her when possible. Additionally, when I was able to travel to see her, I was always provided a place to stay and given whatever help I needed. It was remarkable!”

Olga and her husband, Yevgeniy, before their imprisonment

We thank Jehovah for his loving care for Olga during her time in prison. While we rejoice at her release, we continue to pray for her husband and all those currently in prison bonds, confident that Jehovah will keep showing them loyal love.—Genesis 39:21.