JUNE 28, 2024

Three Sisters Convicted in Republic of Kalmykia, Russia

Three Sisters Convicted in Republic of Kalmykia, Russia

On June 24, 2024, the Elista City Court of the Republic of Kalmykia convicted Sisters Tsagan Khalgaeva, Yekaterina Menkova, and Kishta Tutinova. Tsagan and Yekaterina were each given a two-year suspended prison sentence. Kishta was given a three-year suspended prison sentence. They are not required to go to prison at this time.


We appreciate these modern-day examples of faith. And we are grateful to know that Jehovah takes notice of all our trials and will reward our faithfulness.—Psalm 37:18.

Time Line

  1. February 16, 2023

    Criminal case initiated against Kishta

  2. February 28, 2023

    Homes searched. Kishta sent to a temporary detention facility

  3. March 1, 2023

    Tsagan dismissed from her job due to the notoriety of her criminal case. Kishta released from temporary detention and placed under house arrest

  4. July 21, 2023

    Kishta released from house arrest

  5. December 19, 2023

    Criminal case initiated against Yekaterina and Tsagan. Both placed under travel restrictions

  6. February 9, 2024

    Kishta placed under travel restrictions

  7. April 1, 2024

    Criminal trial began

  8. June 24, 2024

    Convicted and given suspended prison sentences