AUGUST 31, 2022 | UPDATED: JANUARY 26, 2023

UPDATE—BROTHER CONVICTED | “Jehovah Has Provided Friends Who Are Fearlessly at My Side”

UPDATE—BROTHER CONVICTED | “Jehovah Has Provided Friends Who Are Fearlessly at My Side”

On January 24, 2023, the Kuznetskiy District Court of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region, convicted Brother Sergey Sushilnikov and imposed a suspended prison sentence of six years. He is not required to go to prison at this time.

Time Line

  1. November 2019

    Investigators began wiretapping and video surveillance of Sergey’s home

  2. June 3, 2021

    Criminal case was initiated

  3. June 8, 2021

    Home was searched. Sergey and his wife were taken for interrogation

  4. July 15, 2021

    Added to federal list of terrorists and bank accounts were frozen

  5. February 8, 2022

    Charged with organizing and continuing the activity of an extremist organization. Placed under travel restrictions

  6. March 30, 2022

    Criminal trial began


We are comforted to know that Jehovah will always provide help to his faithful servants in “times of distress.”—Psalm 46:1.