JANUARY 1, 2024 | UPDATED: AUGUST 9, 2024

UPDATE—BROTHER FINED | ‘Jehovah Has Never Left Me’

UPDATE—BROTHER FINED | ‘Jehovah Has Never Left Me’

On August 8, 2024, the Kurgan City Court of the Kurgan Region convicted Brother Anatoliy Isakov. He was fined 400,000 rubles ($4,522 U.S.). He is not required to go to prison at this time.


We appreciate Anatoliy’s example of determination and faith despite his many challenges. And we are grateful to know that no matter what circumstances we face, Jehovah will prove to be the ‘rock of our hearts.’—Psalm 73:26.

Time Line

  1. July 13, 2021

    Criminal case initiated

  2. July 14, 2021

    Home searched. Placed in a temporary detention center

  3. July 15, 2021

    Transferred to a pretrial detention center

  4. July 21, 2021

    Appeal made to the Department of Health of the Kurgan Region to end Anatoliy’s detainment to allow him to resume chemotherapy treatment

  5. August 28, 2021

    After a request from the European Court of Human Rights, released from the pretrial detention center. Placed under travel restrictions

  6. July 6, 2023

    Criminal trial began