JUNE 15, 2022

UPDATE—SISTER CONVICTED | Galina Kobeleva Determined to Give a Witness in Court

UPDATE—SISTER CONVICTED | Galina Kobeleva Determined to Give a Witness in Court

On October 20, 2022, the Lesozavodskiy District Court of the Primorye Territory convicted Sister Galina Kobeleva and imposed a suspended prison sentence of six years. She is not required to go to prison at this time.

Time Line

  1. May 12, 2020

    Security forces in the Primorye Territory searched the homes of four families of Jehovah’s Witnesses, including Galina’s home. Both she and her son, Brother Sergey Kobelev, were interrogated and placed under investigation

  2. March 8, 2021

    Authorities initiated a criminal case against Galina. She was accused of participating in the activities of an extremist organization

  3. April 7, 2021

    She was placed under travel restrictions

  4. October 29, 2021

    The criminal trial began


How grateful we are that Jehovah continues to bring his faithful servants, like Galina, into a “place of safety” as they courageously defend his name.—2 Samuel 22:18-21.