JANUARY 2, 2024

Brothers and Sisters Forced to Flee Violence in Sudan Yet Again

Brothers and Sisters Forced to Flee Violence in Sudan Yet Again

Brothers carrying a sick fellow believer while fleeing Wad Madani

On December 15, 2023, an ongoing conflict between two armed factions in Sudan’s capital, Khartoum, spread to the country’s second-largest city, Wad Madani. As previously reported on jw.org, when the conflict began in Khartoum in April 2023, many brothers and sisters fled to safety in Wad Madani, located approximately 170 kilometers (106 mi) southeast of the capital. Now, over 150 of these brothers and sisters have once again been forced to flee from the violence.

Effect on Our Brothers and Sisters

  • None of our brothers or sisters have been injured or killed

  • At least 158 brothers and sisters have been displaced. Some have fled safely to nearby cities or countries

  • 10 brothers and sisters and a few non-Witness relatives remain in Wad Madani

Relief Efforts

  • Circuit overseers and local elders are providing spiritual support to those affected

  • Disaster Relief Committees in Sudan and neighboring countries continue to coordinate relief efforts and provide practical assistance, including food, medicine, and shelter

The seven baptized at the convention in Wad Madani just days before fighting erupted there

Notably, just a week before the fighting began in Wad Madani, the East Africa branch arranged for those who had been displaced to view an Arabic-language recording of the 2023 “Exercise Patience”! Regional Convention program. Among the nearly 200 in attendance were 145 brothers and sisters who had fled from the violence in Khartoum. Many at the convention expressed appreciation for the timely spiritual food they received. In particular, those in attendance were encouraged by the feature Bible drama “Commit Your Way to Jehovah,” which highlights a situation similar to their own. In addition, seven were baptized during the convention.

We pray that our brothers and sisters in Sudan continue bearing up under these trials, and we eagerly look to the time when Jehovah will ‘bring an end to wars throughout the earth.’—Psalm 46:9.