FEBRUARY 3, 2022

UN Committee: Rights of Brother Tierri Amedzro Violated in Tajikistan

UN Committee: Rights of Brother Tierri Amedzro Violated in Tajikistan

On December 14, 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Committee ruled that Tajikistan violated the human rights of Brother Tierri Amedzro by arresting and deporting him to Kazakhstan.

The committee determined that the arrest was “arbitrary” and violated the UN’s International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights. The committee also stated that the government cannot prevent Tierri from returning to Tajikistan if he wishes to do so. Tajik officials are now “under an obligation to take all steps necessary to prevent similar violations from occurring in the future.”

Tajik authorities raided a home where Jehovah’s Witnesses were holding a meeting on October 4, 2018. Authorities arrested Tierri and interrogated him at the Tajikistan State Committee on National Security headquarters. On October 16, 2018, a judge convicted Tierri on a false immigration charge. Tierri is a Russian citizen who was working in Tajikistan.

The judge fined Tierri and subsequently ordered his deportation.

“I hope the UN committee’s decision will somehow improve religious freedom in Tajikistan, and our brothers will be able to worship Jehovah with peace of mind,” Tierri said.

There is currently one brother imprisoned in Tajikistan for his faith.

We are confident that Jehovah will grant continuous peace to our brothers who are enduring trials.—Isaiah 26:3.