JUNE 28, 2023

A Pause in Construction at the Thailand Branch Results in Unexpected Blessings

A Pause in Construction at the Thailand Branch Results in Unexpected Blessings

A construction and renovation project at the Thailand branch began in 2019 using local and international volunteers. However, when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, all but 8 of the 50 international construction workers assigned to the project returned to their home countries. As restrictions were eased, work resumed. Additional local volunteers were invited to receive training and to help finish the project. The final phase of work was completed on April 30, 2023.

Brother Setthasat Tawansirikul and his wife, Waraporn, were among the local volunteers. They were initially worried about their lack of experience. Setthasat notes: “Once we were there, we received wonderful training.”

The deep joy and satisfaction that came from working on this project motivated many of the local volunteers to make themselves available for other avenues of full-time service. Some are now working on construction projects throughout the Thailand branch territory. One sister is attending the School for Kingdom Evangelizers. Others are now serving at Bethel. One of these new Bethel family members, Brother Rapeepat Woradetsakul, reflects: “Experiencing Jehovah’s help during the construction project gave me the confidence I needed to accept an invitation to serve at Bethel. I am certain that Jehovah will help me with this new assignment.”

Aerial view of the renovated Thailand branch facilities. Inset top: Interior of the converted office space. Inset center: Newly constructed maintenance and storage building. Inset bottom: Newly constructed parking area

The construction and renovation work at the Thailand branch included renovation of living quarters and office space, construction of a new maintenance and storage building, and construction of a new parking area. Additionally, six apartments located near the branch office were purchased and renovated to provide additional housing for members of the Bethel family.

We rejoice that our brothers and sisters in Thailand have offered themselves willingly in Jehovah’s service and are experiencing the truth of the words at Psalm 34:8: “Taste and see that Jehovah is good.”