DECEMBER 9, 2019

Turkmen Court Sentences Brother Dovletov to Three Years in Prison for Conscientious Objection

Turkmen Court Sentences Brother Dovletov to Three Years in Prison for Conscientious Objection

A court in Turkmenistan convicted 26-year-old Brother Serdar Dovletov and sentenced him to three years in prison on November 12, 2019. Brother Dovletov is one of ten brothers in the country who has been sentenced to prison for conscientious objection. Seven have been convicted in 2019 and three were convicted in 2018. Their prison terms range from one to four years.

Brother Dovletov is from the city of Baýramaly, Mary Region, in southeastern Turkmenistan. His wife, Surya, and mother, Sonya, are also Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Brother Dovletov’s trial began on November 11, 2019. Brother Dovletov told the court that he conscientiously objects to military service based on his personal religious beliefs. Additionally, three doctors testified under oath that Brother Dovletov has a chronic duodenal ulcer that warrants an exemption from military service.

Despite the facts presented, the judge ruled Brother Dovletov guilty of “fraudulently” evading the draft and had him placed in a local detention center. It is expected that soon he will join the other nine brothers imprisoned in the harsh Seydi labor camp in the desert of Lebap Region. Brother Dovletov will appeal the conviction.

As our brothers in Turkmenistan continue to face injustice, we pray for them with full faith in the inspired promise that Jehovah will support their courageous stand of integrity.—Psalm 37:18, 24.