JUNE 10, 2022

UPDATE #9 | Brotherly Love Prevails Amid Ongoing Crisis in Ukraine

UPDATE #9 | Brotherly Love Prevails Amid Ongoing Crisis in Ukraine

The Ukraine branch, with the help of the 27 Disaster Relief Committees (DRCs), continues to care for displaced brothers and sisters in the country. Since the beginning of the war, over 250 tons of humanitarian aid have been imported from Poland, including food, clothing, and hygienic items. This has been complemented by more than 80 tons of food supplied by brothers in safer areas of Ukraine.

Regarding the help she received from the brothers serving under the DRC, a sister named Valentyna from Kyiv wrote: “When the hostilities began, it became very dangerous to stay in the city. Therefore, I evacuated to a small town in the Cherkasy region. I have now been here for over two months. The brothers and sisters in the local congregation have shown great concern for me. They brought me several boxes of food and hygiene products. After seeing all this help, my emotions simply overwhelmed me. In one of the boxes, there was also a drawing by a four-year-old named Blanca and a watercolor postcard . . . I will keep the drawings as a keepsake. I can’t help but express my sincere gratitude to all of my brothers and first and foremost Jehovah.”

Children contribute to the relief efforts by drawing pictures to be included with the aid boxes

An 83-year-old disabled sister, also named Valentyna, from Sieverodonetsk wrote: “When the war started, I lived alone. My only son had died before the war. It was very scary, as the city was being bombed all day long. There was no water, no electricity, no gas, and Internet service was poor. I am very grateful to the brothers who helped me, at the risk of their lives.”

She continues: “Later, the brothers took me and two other disabled sisters to Dnipro, a safer city. In Dnipro, the brothers helped me to find accommodations. Now I live with a family of fellow believers who take care of me. We are like a family. They even helped me to get a smartphone so that I can attend and participate in the meetings. I will never forget the kindness the brothers showed me.”

Our hearts are full of joy and gratitude to our loving Father, Jehovah, who continues to care for our beloved brothers and sisters in Ukraine so that they “lack nothing good.”—Psalm 34:10.

As of June 7, 2022, the following totals have been reported from Ukraine. These statistics are based on confirmed reports from the local brothers. However, the actual numbers may be higher, since it is difficult to maintain communication with all regions of the country.

Effect on Our Brothers and Sisters

  • 42 publishers have died

  • 82 publishers have been injured

  • 46,145 publishers are currently displaced

  • 469 homes were destroyed

  • 540 homes sustained major damage

  • 1,405 homes sustained minor damage

  • 5 Kingdom Halls were destroyed

  • 8 Kingdom Halls sustained major damage

  • 33 Kingdom Halls sustained minor damage

Relief Efforts

  • 27 DRCs are operating in Ukraine

  • 50,663 individuals were assisted directly by the DRCs to find safer accommodations

  • 22,995 publishers have fled to other countries and are being assisted by fellow worshippers