APRIL 16, 2019

Devastating Floods Impact Midwestern United States

Devastating Floods Impact Midwestern United States

Torrential rain and melted snow triggered flooding in Nebraska and Iowa during mid-March 2019. As rivers in the area rose to historic levels, water breached dams and levees, damaging hundreds of homes and killing at least four people.

The United States branch reports that none of the 5,123 publishers in the area died or suffered injuries. However, 84 publishers were displaced. Additionally, 8 of the brothers’ homes sustained major damage and 34 sustained minor damage.

Volunteers in nearby congregations have begun the cleanup efforts with the support of Local Design/Construction personnel. The circuit overseers in the impacted areas are coordinating shepherding for those affected.

We pray that our brothers will continue to be comforted by the practical and spiritual support they are receiving during this trial.—2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.