JULY 15, 2019

Earthquakes Rattle Southern California

Earthquakes Rattle Southern California

Since July 4, 2019, powerful earthquakes and aftershocks have struck southern California in the Mojave Desert region. This includes a 7.1-magnitude quake that is considered to be one of the strongest recorded in this area in the last two decades.

The quakes occurred near the city of Ridgecrest, which is home to 215 publishers. Thankfully, none of our brothers were seriously injured. However, three publishers sustained minor injuries, and initial reports indicate that seven publishers are displaced. Also, 7 homes of our brothers were heavily damaged and 35 sustained minor damage. Additionally, two Kingdom Halls were lightly damaged.

Two circuit overseers are coordinating the relief efforts in the area. The circuit overseers and local elders are also shepherding the brothers and sisters affected by the earthquake.

We pray that Jehovah continues to provide our fellow worshippers with the wisdom needed to cope with natural disasters like these.—Proverbs 2:6-8.