JULY 10, 2019

High Winds and Flooding Strike South Texas

High Winds and Flooding Strike South Texas

On June 24, 2019, high winds and heavy rain pounded south Texas. News reports indicate that hundreds of homes were flooded and more than 100 people were evacuated.

Although no publishers were injured in the storm, 47 were displaced. Additionally, the storm damaged 65 homes of our brothers and sisters, as well as one apartment attached to a Kingdom Hall.

Circuit overseers and local elders are shepherding those affected by the storm. Also, a Disaster Relief Committee is coordinating the arrangements for housing and the distribution of food, water, and clothing. Efforts are already underway to clean and stabilize the damaged homes as well as the Kingdom Hall apartment.

We will continue to support our brothers and sisters in south Texas, as they trust in Jehovah and cope with the aftermath of this severe weather.—Isaiah 26:3, 4.