JUNE 4, 2019

Mass Shooting in Virginia Beach, United States

Mass Shooting in Virginia Beach, United States

On May 31, 2019, a gunman opened fire on employees working in a municipal office building in Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States. Twelve people were killed and four were injured.

The United States branch reports that sadly, one of our sisters, LaQuita Brown, was among those killed in this attack. Sister Brown was 39 years old and a regular pioneer in the Seaview French Congregation in Norfolk, Virginia. She also served as a Local/Design Construction volunteer. The local elders, along with the circuit overseer, are providing Scriptural encouragement and emotional support to Sister Brown’s friends and family.

We are deeply saddened to hear about the loss of our sister. We look forward to the time when tragedies like this will no longer occur and there will be an “abundance of peace” on the earth.—Psalm 37:10, 11.