JANUARY 13, 2020

Update: Hurricane Dorian Relief Work

Relief Arrived by Air and by Sea

Update: Hurricane Dorian Relief Work

Hurricane Dorian pummeled the Bahamas from September 1 to September 3, 2019. Even before the storm hit, the United States branch began to coordinate relief efforts from Florida, U.S.A. As soon as it was safe to travel, brothers who owned boats or planes were mobilized, becoming some of the first relief workers on the islands.

Thirteen brothers and sisters piloted over 300 flight segments, delivering 15 tons of relief supplies and transporting more than 700 volunteer workers to the affected areas. Additionally, 13 private boats of our brothers were used to deliver almost 90 tons of supplies. The average round trip by boat from Florida lasted 12 hours.

“As soon as the hurricane passed, [the Witnesses’] planes were in the air, full of supplies and going to help,” said Jose Cabrera, station manager at the Palm Beach International Airport in Florida. “They are the definition of going above and beyond.”

“For many of us, this was the first time that we got to use our skill in a theocratic setting,” stated Brother Glenn Sanders, one of the volunteer pilots. “It was very satisfying to know that we were a little member, a little part of the body, bringing relief to another part of the body that had suffered.”—1 Corinthians 12:26.

The United States branch estimates that the relief efforts will cost approximately $1,750,000 (U.S.) and conclude by May 1, 2020.


Relief supplies are loaded onto a boat docked in Florida, U.S.A. Our brothers made a total of 29 boat trips to the Bahamas

A view of the flooded airport in Great Abaco, Bahamas

A view from the cockpit during a flight