NOVEMBER 18, 2022

High Court in Zimbabwe Sides With Jehovah’s Witnesses in Religious Rights Case

High Court in Zimbabwe Sides With Jehovah’s Witnesses in Religious Rights Case

On September 29, 2022, the High Court of Zimbabwe in Mutare ruled in favor of Brothers Tobias Gabaza, Wonder Muposheri, and Jabulani Sithole, who suffered discrimination for refusing to participate in a religious ceremony that violated their consciences.

In October 2020, the three brothers were summoned to appear before a court presided over by the village chief after another official insisted that the brothers contribute to an indigenous ceremony. The ceremony involves invoking the spirits of the dead with the intention of bringing seasonal rain, and each villager is expected to contribute. Our brothers made the decision, based on their Bible-trained conscience, to decline participation in the ceremony.

The village chief ruled against our brothers and threatened them, attempting to coerce them to comply. Our brothers chose to appeal to the Magistrate Court in Chipinge.

On January 5, 2021, the Magistrate Court ruled in favor of our brothers. However, the village officials refused to obey the court’s decision and continued to pressure our brothers. Additionally, other villagers began to ostracize and mistreat them.

Since the brothers continued to face discrimination, they appealed to the High Court. The Court acknowledged that the village officials violated the brothers’ rights. It also ordered the village officials to exempt our brothers from any traditional activities that violated their consciences and to pay them damages.

It is expected that this ruling will benefit brothers and sisters living throughout Zimbabwe, as these traditions are observed throughout the country. We are grateful to Jehovah for this favorable outcome.—Proverbs 2:8.