APRIL 22, 2019

Jehovah’s Witnesses Release Revised New World Translation in Shona

Jehovah’s Witnesses Release Revised New World Translation in Shona

On March 17, 2019, Brother Kenneth Cook, a member of the Governing Body, released the revised edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in the Shona language at a special event held at the Harare Assembly Hall in Zimbabwe. The release of the Bible is the culmination of a three-year translation project.

Nearly 2,500 brothers and sisters were present at the Assembly Hall for the Bible release. An additional 43,000 were tied in to the event from 295 Kingdom Halls and 4 Assembly Halls. One brother said: “I look forward to using the revised Bible in the ministry. The language is simple and refreshing, which encourages one to read more. We thank Jehovah for this gift.”

This edition will benefit the 38,000 publishers who serve in the Shona field. Additionally, it will assist them in preaching to the over 9,000,000 individuals who speak the language, approximately 80 percent of Zimbabwe’s population.

Every Bible release gives evidence of Jehovah’s blessing on the worldwide translation efforts. We are happy that his Word is being made available in the native languages of more and more readers.—Acts 2:8.