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Building Faith in God

Why Believe in God?

Does God Exist?

The Bible answers with five compelling lines of evidence.

Is God Real?

Examine evidence that belief in God is logical.

Why We Have Faith in God’s Existence

The complexity found in nature helped a professor arrive at a fundamental conclusion.

Getting to Know God

Does God Have a Name?

God has many titles, including Almighty, Creator, and Lord. But God’s personal name is used some 7,000 times in the Bible.

Is Friendship With God Possible?

For centuries, people have felt the need to know their Maker. The Bible can help us become God’s friend. That friendship starts by learning God’s name.

Creation Reveals Jehovah’s Love​—The Human Body

Our senses and memories teach us an important lesson.

What Is God Like?

What are God’s foremost qualities and attributes?

The Value of Faith

I Gave Up on Religion

Tom wanted to believe in God but became disillusioned with religion and its empty rituals. How did his study of the Bible help him to find hope?

Challenges to Faith

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

The Bible provides a satisfying and comforting answer.

Drawing Close to God

How Can You Draw Close to God?

Find out whether God listens to all prayers, how we should pray, and what else we can do to draw close to God.