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Habits and Addictions

Personal Habits

How Can I Resist Temptation?

Consider three important steps to overcome improper desires.

Tobacco, Drugs, and Alcohol

I Got Fed Up With My Lifestyle

Dmitry Korshunov was an alcoholic, but he began to read the Bible every day. What motivated him to make drastic changes in his life?

Electronic Media

Protect Yourself From Misinformation

Misleading news, false reports, and conspiracy theories abound and may even cause you harm.

Who’s in Control​—You or Your Devices?

You live in a wired world, but technology does not have to control you. How can you tell if you are addicted to your device? If there’s a problem, how can you take back control?



Pornography​—Harmless or Toxic?

What effect does viewing pornography have on individuals and families?