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Young People Ask



How Is Social Media Affecting Me?

Social media is addictive. These suggestions can help you stay in control.

Life Skills

How Can I Avoid Negative Thinking?

You can learn to cultivate positive thinking by following these suggestions.

How Can I Resist Temptation?

Consider three important steps to overcome improper desires.


How Can I Resist Temptation?

Consider three important steps to overcome improper desires.

How Do I Look?

Learn how to avoid three of the most common fashion mistakes.

Bad Habits

Is Cursing Really That Bad?

What can be wrong with something as common as profanity?

How Can I Resist Temptation?

Consider three important steps to overcome improper desires.


Is Oral Sex Really Sex?

Is a person who has had oral sex still a virgin?

Is Homosexuality Wrong?

Does the Bible teach that homosexuals are bad people? Can a Christian please God while feeling attracted to the same sex?

How Can I Resist Temptation?

Consider three important steps to overcome improper desires.


Am I Ready to Date?

Five points to help you determine if you’re ready for dating and marriage.

Dating​—Part 3: Should We Break Up?

Should you stay in a relationship if you have doubts? This article can help you decide.

Emotional Health

How Can I Avoid Negative Thinking?

You can learn to cultivate positive thinking by following these suggestions.

How Is Social Media Affecting Me?

Social media is addictive. These suggestions can help you stay in control.


Why Should I Pray?

Is prayer just a psychological crutch, or is it something more?

Why Attend Meetings at the Kingdom Hall?

Twice each week Jehovah’s Witnesses hold meetings in their places of worship, called Kingdom Halls. What goes on there, and how can you benefit by attending?

How Can the Bible Help Me?​—Part 1: Exploring Your Bible

If you came across a huge ancient treasure chest, wouldn’t you be curious about what’s inside? The Bible is just such a treasure chest. It contains many gems.

How Can the Bible Help Me?​—Part 2: Make Bible Reading Enjoyable

Five tips can make the Scriptures come alive for you.