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Tabernacle and High Priest

Tabernacle Features

  1. 1 Ark (Ex 25:​10-22; 26:33)

  2. 2 Curtain (Ex 26:​31-33)

  3. 3 Pillar for the Curtain (Ex 26:​31, 32)

  4. 4 Holy (Ex 26:33)

  5. 5 Most Holy (Ex 26:33)

  6. 6 Screen (Ex 26:36)

  7. 7 Pillar for the Screen (Ex 26:37)

  8. 8 Copper Socket Pedestal (Ex 26:37)

  9. 9 Incense Altar (Ex 30:​1-6)

  10. 10 Table of Showbread (Ex 25:​23-30; 26:35)

  11. 11 Lampstand (Ex 25:​31-40; 26:35)

  12. 12 Tent Cloth of Linen (Ex 26:​1-6)

  13. 13 Tent Cloth of Goat Hair (Ex 26:​7-13)

  14. 14 Covering of Ram Skins (Ex 26:14)

  15. 15 Covering of Sealskins (Ex 26:14)

  16. 16 Panel Frame (Ex 26:​15-18, 29)

  17. 17 Silver Socket Pedestal Under Panel Frame (Ex 26:​19-21)

  18. 18 Bar (Ex 26:​26-29)

  19. 19 Silver Socket Pedestal (Ex 26:32)

  20. 20 Copper Basin (Ex 30:​18-21)

  21. 21 Altar of Burnt Offering (Ex 27:​1-8)

  22. 22 Courtyard (Ex 27:​17, 18)

  23. 23 Entrance (Ex 27:16)

  24. 24 Linen Hanging Curtains (Ex 27:​9-15)

High Priest

Exodus chapter 28 describes in detail the garments of Israel’s high priest