Hosea 5:1-15

  • Judgment on Ephraim and Judah (1-15)

5  “Hear this, you priests,+Pay attention, O house of Israel,Listen, O house of the king,For the judgment involves you;Because you are a trap to MizʹpahAnd a net spread over Taʹbor.+   And those falling away* have sunk deep* in slaughter,And I am warning* all of them.   I know Eʹphra·im,And Israel is not hidden from me. For now, O Eʹphra·im, you have acted promiscuously;*Israel has defiled itself.+   Their dealings do not permit them to return to their God,Because there is a spirit of prostitution* among them;+And Jehovah they do not acknowledge.   The pride of Israel has testified against him;*+Both Israel and Eʹphra·im have stumbled in their error,And Judah has stumbled with them.+   With their flock and their herd they went to look for Jehovah,But they could not find him. He had drawn away from them.+   They have betrayed Jehovah,+For they have fathered foreign sons. Now a month will devour them* and their portions.*   Blow a horn+ in Gibʹe·ah, a trumpet in Raʹmah!+ Shout a war cry at Beth-aʹven+​—⁠after you, O Benjamin!   O Eʹphra·im, you will become an object of horror in the day of punishment.+ I have made known what will surely happen among the tribes of Israel. 10  The princes of Judah are like those moving a boundary.+ I will pour out my fury on them like water. 11  Eʹphra·im is oppressed, crushed by judgment,For he was determined to follow after his adversary.+ 12  So I was like a moth to Eʹphra·imAnd like rottenness to the house of Judah. 13  When Eʹphra·im saw his sickness, and Judah his ulcer,Eʹphra·im went to As·syrʹi·a+ and sent to a great king. But he was unable to heal you,And he could not cure your ulcer. 14  For I will be like a young lion to Eʹphra·im,And like a strong lion* to the house of Judah. I myself will tear to pieces and go away;+I will carry them off, and no one will rescue them.+ 15  I will go away and return to my place until they bear the consequences of their guilt,And then they will seek my favor.*+ When they are in distress, they will seek me.”+


Or “the rebels.”
Or “have been deeply involved.”
Or “I will discipline.”
Or “have acted immorally; have engaged in prostitution.”
Or “immorality; promiscuity.”
Lit., “to his face.”
Or possibly, “Within a month they will be devoured.”
Or “fields.”
Or “a maned young lion.”
Lit., “face.”